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Lookwalkers - Lookwalkers

(1.5 ft * 4 ft)

1500 viewers per site in Hyderabad

No. of Items:

1 Units

Ads displayed by the lookwalkers

Minimum Investment :


 Rate estimate information provided here is a reference cost for this product. This should not be used or relied on as the actual cost. The actual cost will be derived after taking into account the location, time period and specific customization requirements provided.

Rate :


(per person per day)

Name* :




Moving Fast

Activity Dates* :

Number of Days* :

Number of Lookwalkers* :

Details :

Capture customization requirements for this media here

Rate Estimate :


More About OOH in Lookwalkers

Introducing Look Walkers - the newest and most innovative advertising option for marketing professionals. Look Walkers are human billboards that combine the power of outdoor advertising with the mobility and flexibility of experiential marketing. These unique advertising devices consist of a lightweight, backpack-mounted LED screen that displays high-quality visuals, graphics, and videos. The screens are mounted on a sturdy, ergonomic frame that allows the Look Walkers to walk, run, and move freely while engaging with target audiences in high-traffic areas such as malls, events, and public spaces. With Look Walkers, marketers can create engaging and impactful campaigns that capture the attention of audiences and create a lasting impression. They are ideal for promoting product launches, event marketing, brand activations, and experiential marketing campaigns. Look Walkers offer several benefits over traditional forms of outdoor advertising. They offer unparalleled mobility and flexibility, allowing marketers to reach audiences in places that are inaccessible to traditional billboards or posters. They are also highly visible and attention-grabbing, with bright LED screens that can be seen from a distance and in any lighting conditions. Moreover, Look Walkers are a cost-effective option for marketers looking to maximise their ROI. They offer high levels of engagement and recall among audiences, ensuring that your brand message stays top of mind long after the campaign is over. Overall, Look Walkers are a game-changing advertising option that offers marketers a new level of creativity, impact, and reach. With Look Walkers, you can take your advertising campaigns to the next level and make a lasting impression on your target audiences.

How it works

Simple steps to plan and advertise your brand campaigns

Submitting an Enquiry

Submit an enquiry accordingly for your campaign

Submitting an Enquiry

Submit an enquiry accordingly for your campaign

Submitting an Enquiry
Submitting an Enquiry
Receive campaign quotes
Receive campaign quotes

Receive campaign quotes

Receive campaign quotes in your dashboard within 12 working hours of submitting inquiry.

Receive campaign quotes

Receive campaign quotes in your dashboard within 12 working hours of submitting inquiry.

Sharing Required Format

We’ll inform you in which creative are to be shared, For eg : MP3

Sharing Required Format

We’ll inform you in which creative are to be shared, For eg : MP3

Sharing Required Format
Sharing Required Format
Proof Of Execution
Proof Of Execution

Proof Of Execution

Format: Log Report
Frequency: Weekly PoE is periodically updated & visible in your dashboard

Proof Of Execution

Format: Log Report
Frequency: Weekly PoE is periodically updated & visible in your dashboard


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